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Seth Rogen Calls Out Comedians Complaining About Cancel Culture

By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | May 25, 2021 |

By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | May 25, 2021 |


Seth Rogen has no time for comedians complaining about cancel culture: “I don’t understand what they’re complaining about. If you’ve made a joke that’s aged terribly, accept it. And if you don’t think it’s aged terribly, then say that.” (IndieWire)

Is Jennifer Garner aware that Ben Affleck’s been stashing away a watch Jennifer Lopez gave him during the original Bennifer days, or was, “Honey, should I wear the JLo watch?” just an everyday occurrence in their house? (Lainey Gossip)

Kim Kardashian is being sued for wage theft and other labor violations, which she’s attempting to duck by saying all of her employees were hired through a third-party vendor — that did the ripping off for her. (Dlisted)

To the surprise of no one, Anna Duggar is standing by her husband because their cult religion drilled into her head real good that she’s worth nothing unless she’s a non-stop baby cannon for his gross ass. (Celebitchy)

From Roxana: This in-depth profile of Johnny Knoxville captures the man as surprisingly self-aware and reflective of a career that marked a shift in what we consider entertainment. (GQ)

From Kristy: Come for the gorgeous photos of newlyweds Niecy Nash and Jessica Betts, stay for the poignant sharing of their queer love story. (Advocate)

From Steven: Here’s an amazing story of science and resistance and horror: the Jewish doctor who was a vaccine specialist before WW2, forced to develop a Typhus vaccine inside one of the concentration camps by the Nazis, and developed a working vaccine distributed to prisoners saving thousands of lives behind the wire, whilst simultaneously sabotaging and sending a fake vaccine to the Wehrmacht. The Germans didn’t learn the truth until they were on trial at Nuremburg. (Twitter)

Ava DuVernay receives honorary doctorate from Yale. (The Root)

The CW explains why it’s “repiloting” Powerpuff Girls. (Variety)

The ongoing problem of how Silicon Valley is really just union-busting the entire damn film industry, and it sucks. (Film Crit Hulk)

There were rumors going around, mostly started by shitty nerd sites hungry for toxic male clicks, that Robert Pattinson was f*cking up The Batman by refusing to work out, or whatever. Well, Warner Bros. just dumped a dump truck full of money in his lap for a First Look deal, so uh, wrong again, sad dorks! (Deadline)

Ale enjoys the way Brandon Sanderson balances epic, high fantasy with earthy humor in book two of The Stormlight Archives, Words of Radiance. "Yes, there are gut-wrenching, serious, dark moments, but Sanderson balances that with a bouncy levity that’s borderline Pratchett in its honesty." What do you consider the necessary elements of high fantasy? (Cannonball Read 13)