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Selena Gomez Is Making a ‘Wizards of Waverly Place’ Sequel

By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | January 18, 2024 |

By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | January 18, 2024 |


Despite watching what happened with Hilary Duff, Selena Gomez has reportedly shot a pilot for a Wizards of Waverly Place sequel that will air on the Disney Channel, which means we can’t be far off from an Even Stevens reboot starring new Catholic-powered Shia LaBeouf. I told people at that Starbucks this would happen, but nobody listens to me. (Deadline)

The Mr. & Mrs. Smith full trailer looks more promising than the teaser. (Lainey Gossip)

A pastor was arrested in Ohio for letting homeless people stay in his church instead of freezing to death. A reverse Joel Osteen, if you will. (Wonkette)

From Chris: Just say these words until they are true, “The Gilded Age Season 3, featuring Che Diaz.” (Vulture)

The new Indiana Jones game has an extremely hot Harrison Ford. (Kotaku)

From Roxana: Your heartbreaking read of the day. (Intelligencer)

Conservatives have aimed their outrage machine at King Arthur Flour because, apparently, even flour isn’t white enough for them now. (The Mary Sue)

From Andrew: These two, man. Can’t get enough of the Russells. (Twitter)

Amazon wants to start charging for Alexa. Hahaha, yeah, good luck. (Gizmodo)

From Kayleigh: Music journalism can’t afford a hollowed-out Pitchfork. (Defector)

Emily Ratajkowski DGAF what you think of her outfits. (Page Six)

New Cannonballer Tuesday Addams is enchanted with the celebrity Dolly Parton has become and was intrigued when she saw Parton’s book about her clothes, Behind the Seams: My Life in Rhinestones. “[T]his book is a world-building read, and like any good fantasy author, Ms. Parton has designed every part of it to hook readers and take them on HER journey.” How will you celebrate the country legend’s 78th birthday tomorrow, January 19? (Cannonball Read 16)

From Dustin: Damn, Ayo Edebiri can sing, too!

Post by @yasharali
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