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Meghan McCain Is the Nepo Baby ‘Exception,’ According to Meghan McCain

By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | December 20, 2023 |

By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | December 20, 2023 |


Still capitalizing on Ana Navarro calling her out on The View, without ever once saying her name, Meghan McCain proudly declared that she is “the exception” when it comes to nepo babies. To Meghan’s very minimal credit, she does admit that she is a nepo baby, which is a severe understatement for a woman who used to repeatedly shriek her father’s name on daytime TV and literally posed on top of his grave to shill her latest book. However, Meghan would like you to know that she’s a special nepo baby and “nothing like Hunter Biden.” How so? Hoo boy, strap in:

“A lot of nepo babies, particularly in politics, they struggle, they have addiction issues, there’s a lot of darkness. I am very proud of the fact that I never went down that road.”

The reaction you’re looking for is Jesus Jell-O shot Christ. Setting aside Cindy McCain’s well-documented struggles, which makes Meghan’s statement even more callous, addiction is a disease and not a moral failing. What is a moral failing is being a duplicitous spoiled brat whose bedrock ideology is slashing the social safety net so the rich can get richer and fragrantly refusing to curtail access to firearms in a nation where schoolchildren are routinely gunned down on the reg. That to me is far worse than having a gene that predisposes you to substance abuse, but John McCain didn’t fire me out of his racist, war-mongering dong, so what the hell do I know? (The Daily Beast)

Sarah is completely right on the Jonathan Majors red flag we all missed. (Lainey Gossip)

And speaking of, look what’s missing now that his trial is over. (Page Six)

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Great, Kellyanne Conway cracked our Secret Democrat Code. Dammit. (Wonkette)

From Jen: This is a pretty great biographical thread on Catherine Leroy. (Threads)

Taraji P. Henson can’t deal with the pay disparity in Hollywood anymore. The poor woman is in tears from the endless battle. (THR)

This is why I’m not wringing my hands over every new poll about the 2024 election. The Republicans are f*cked if the candidate is Trump, and they’re f*cked if the candidate isn’t Trump. Nikki Haley only just started looking like a threat, and the MAGA hordes are already threatening to rip her apart. Let the GOP enjoy an election cycle where they’re the ones eating each other alive this time. (Rolling Stone)

From Petr: Ed Sheeran showed up as a surprise guest at The Darkness show in London, and it’s the closest I’ve ever come to liking Ed Sheeran. (YouTube)

Warner Bros. and Paramount might merge… somehow? Wild shit, if true. (Variety)

LittlePlat was already anticipating Ann Leckie’s Translation State, but then she found out which aliens were at the center of the book. “The Presgr Translators are some of my favourite characters to waltz out of a space opera in a chaotic cloud of social faux pas.” Do you have a favorite fictional alien? (Cannonball Read 15)