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Mary Trump Bodied Meghan McCain on Live Television

By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | August 2, 2021 |

By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | August 2, 2021 |


During Monday’s episode of The View, Meghan McCain noticeably dipped during an interview with Mary Trump, who proceeded to land one hell of a jab on MY FATHER’s sparkly-eyed face. (Uproxx)

And guess who flipped out on Twitter while I was getting today’s column ready. I’ll give you a hint: Her dad was some guy, I forget his name. (Deadline)

Paramount shelves Clifford over Delta variant concerns, so here we go again. (Dlisted)

Dolly Parton relates to Britney Spears’ experience by recounting how she had to fork over millions early in her career. (Celebitchy)

From James: Kathy Griffin reveals lung cancer diagnosis. (CNN)

Kayleigh enjoyed this shot of Olympian Tom Daley knitting. (Twitter)

From Jen: RIP to a lot of brands favored by broke-ass college students who play a lot of drinking games. I’ll miss OE most of all, sniff sniff. (Marketing Dive)

Andrew could totally do this volley. He just doesn’t want to. (Twitter)

From Claude: Hey, Activision/Blizzard, can you tone down the villainy? (Kotaku)

Sara Benincasa’s harrowing account of being an 18-year-old crisis support worker at Woodstock ‘99 is a must-read. (Medium)

Twitter falls for a fake Cormac McCarthy account, again. (AV Club)

Sarah Palin is eyeing a run at Lisa Murkowski’s seat. F*ckdammit. (Jezebel)

Caitycat has enjoyed Ashley Poston’s Once Upon a Con series, which retells several popular fairy tales. Among other things, she loves how LGBTQ+ inclusive they are. "In [Bookish and the Beast], Rosie’s non-binary friend runs for Homecoming Overlord in order to save her from Garrett, and it’s awesome." Were there many LGBTQ+ inclusive books available to you when you were a teen? (Cannonball Read 13)

This Pre-K teacher is exactly what we need right now: