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Kourtney Kardashian Is Telling People That Masks Cause Cancer Because Her Family Is the Goddamn Devil

By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | November 5, 2020 |

By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | November 5, 2020 |


Justin Bieber’s hot pastor Carl Lentz — wait a minute, hot pastor, hot Carl … hahaha — has been terminated from Hillsong for “moral failures.” (Lainey Gossip)

Simone Biles tells One Million Moms to eat a dick after the hate group called for her Uber Eats ad with Jonathan Van Ness to be pulled. (Dlisted)

Kourtney Kardashian is out here saying face masks cause cancer. Oh goddammit. I told everyone these morons would kill us all, but noooo, they’re “slaying” the game with their “momager.” (Celebitchy)

I’m sorry. What now?

Breaking down what’s going on with the USPS and “missing” mail-in ballots. (The Root)

From Roxana: An interesting read about the lingering effects of Bush v. Gore. (Intelligencer)

From Kristy: 11 openly LGBTQ-identifying leaders will be apart of the 117th congress, the most ever. F*ck Trump and his homophobe brigade. (The Independent)

Oh god Jesus, Creed might reunite? I liked the super-COVID minks better. Let’s go back to the minks. I WANT THE MINKS. (Spin)

And to blow your mind, the part of Aldous Snow in Forgetting Sarah Marshall was specifically written for Charlie Hunnam. (Collider)

Have you wondered if your life would be better with therapy? For Sophia, all signs pointed to yes. She picked up Lori Gottlieb’s Maybe You Should Talk to Someone and found Gottlieb’s descriptions of her own therapy helpful. "It was also interesting to see that, even with her education and insight, she needed the perspective from someone on the outside to show her how she was viewing her past relationship in an unhealthy light." (Cannonball Read 12)

I don’t have a funny video today, but this message from Brianna Wu has been helping me reframe the election, which is hopefully, maybe in the bag for Biden by the time you’re reading this? Never mind, I just checked FiveThirtyEight who is saying Friday now. Cool cool cool…

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