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Kevin Costner Is Finally Talking About the ‘Yellowstone’ Debacle

By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | May 13, 2024 |

By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | May 13, 2024 |


Kevin Costner is finally opening up about his side of the Yellowstone debacle, and you’ll probably be surprised to learn that, according to Kevin Costner, absolutely nothing that happened is Kevin Costner’s fault. Although, in fairness, Taylor Sheridan has his hand in a bajillion TV series, and he famously refuses to let anyone else write Yellowstone, so a lot of the stuff Costner says about scripts not being ready and production delays doesn’t sound all that shocking. (Deadline)

Oh thank God. Bucky has his long hair back in a movie that’s probably going to suck turds, but this development is enough to get me stupidly excited. I’m a simple man. (Lainey Gossip)

Bill Maher: Man of the People, or something. (Wonkette)

From Jen: George Clooney is set to make his Broadway debut. (

The Last Man on Earth was great, and a surprising showcase for January Jones. I did not believe she could act until this show, and she proved me very wrong. (Primetimer)

Melania Trump allegedly came up with the “locker room talk” excuse. Of course. (Daily Beast)

Fallout 4 fans are begging Bethesda to stop updating the game. (Kotaku)

Walton Goggins did not have fun turning into The Ghoul. (IndieWire)

Yeah, Meg, I don’t think that’s going to be a problem. (Page Six)

George Miller is open to directing Thor 5? I’m listening. (The Wrap)

Amy Sedaris did all that Ripley cosplay, and this is how they repay her? (Variety)

After putting off reading Liz Moore’s Long Bright River for years, Melina ugly cried through the crime thriller. “I’ve definitely sat on a stoop with people exactly like the ones portrayed in the novel and I’ve had my heart broken in the same ways as some of the characters as well.” Which books have broken your heart? (Cannonball Read 16)

From Kayleigh: