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Ivanka Trump Got the COVID Vaccine and Her Dad's Army of Morons Are Pissed

By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | April 15, 2021 |

By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | April 15, 2021 |


I say this very, very begrudgingly, but at this stage of the pandemic where Republicans are hesitant to get the vaccine, Ivanka Trump showing that it’s safe to get the shot is a good thing. If it encourages a few more people to get vaccinated, which will prevent an exponential number of infections, awesome. However, because of the damage caused by her father, and the Republicans decades-long war on science, Ivanka is getting roasted alive by MAGA maniacs. On the one hand, hey, that’s the bed she made. On the other, herd immunity ain’t happening anytime soon. (Independent)

Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez are officially over. For real this time. (Lainey Gossip)

Courtney Stodden has come out as non-binary. (Dlisted)

Demi Lovato makes a strong case for “normalizing” living with a roommate. (Celebitchy)

Maxine Waters tells Jim Jordan to “shut your mouth” in the middle of a Congressional hearing. Somewhere, Michael Tracey flinched and yelled, “I’ll be good!” (The Root)

The Winter Soldier creator Ed Brubaker gets more from his two-second cameo in Captain America: The Winter Soldier than he does for making the character, and he’s done being quiet about it. (Collider)

Mike Ryan wrote about the dread of late-night audiences returning, and how a lot of the hosts, except for Fallon, have become much stronger without them. (Uproxx)

Mads Mikkelsen is the latest to join Indiana Jones 5. (Deadline)

Pete Davidson is playing Joey Ramone in a Netflix biopic? OK, sure. (Variety)

Steven’s university has adapted Ursula Le Guin’s Lathe of Heaven for the stage and is doing the whole thing online (both at some live streaming times for the live theater experience, in addition to a one day watch-on-demand thing). Sounds like a pretty awesome way to adapt theater to COVID lockdown, and get a legendary sci-fi fix. (Brandeis)

New Cannonballer Rooooomie recommends Not Just Lucky by Jamila Rizvi to young women starting their careers. It may be self-help, but "this reads more like your best friend giving you solid career advice than some dudebro with lifehacks and scary amounts of energy." What advice do you wish you had received early in your career? (Cannonball Read 13)