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Candace Owens Took a Shot at Cardi B, It Didn't Go Well for Her

By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | September 7, 2020 |

By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | September 7, 2020 |


Conservative grifter Candace Owens criticized Joe Biden for doing an interview with Cardi B for Elle, and Cardi B fired back with some choice questions about how much Candace enjoys being “pimped by white men.” (Insider)

Netflix’s Grand Army has a problems on its hands after writer Ming Peiffer reveals that three WOC quit the show over “racist exploitation and abuse.” (Lainey Gossip)

After initially praising WarnerMedia for launching an investigation into alleged abuses on the set of Justice League, Ray Fisher is now the target of accusations from WB that he’s not cooperating, so this got ugly fast. (Dlisted)

Prince Harry did not give the Queen a heads-up about his Netflix deal. Her monocle is reportedly still spinning as of this writing. (Celebitchy)

Jacob Blake speaks out for the first time after being shot seven times in the back by police in Kenosha. “Every 24 hours it’s pain.” (The Root)

Hunter Harris interview with Erin Brockovich is a must-read. (Vulture)

The current wildfire raging through California was sparked by a gender reveal party because America can no longer just say “It’s a girl,” we have to blow something up. Humanity is the virus. (CNN)

Case in point: Workers at Disney World have come forward with accusations that the parks are covering up COVID-19 cases. Of course. (The Daily Beast)

Not sure who needs to hear this, but Nancy Pelosi really was set up:

It sure sounds like Postmaster General Louis DeJoy committed the exact same felony that put Dinesh D’Souza in jail. (Washington Post)

Solo is the third best Star Wars movie? I’m not seeing the lie… (Humungus)

A very compelling argument that the Trump campaign is broke. (Daily Kos)

Did you get any reading time this summer? Whether you tackled the years-old books on your TBR list, picked up and put down multiple books, or really indulged in your favorite fan fiction tags, Cannonball Read wants to hear about it. Share what you’ve been reading and what you plan to read next. No reviews required! (Cannonball Read 12)

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