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Britney Spears Is Open to a Meghan Markle Style Interview With Oprah

By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | March 18, 2021 |

By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | March 18, 2021 |


Britney Spears is reportedly considering a sit-down interview with Oprah where she can finally tell her side of the story. (ET Online)

Lainey highlights the importance of “Stop AAPI Hate” and the #StopAsianHate movement after Asian women were targeted and killed in Atlanta. (Lainey Gossip)

Johnny Depp thinks some stupid Johnny Depp things for why he had to face the consequences of being Johnny Depp. (Dlisted)

And speaking of domestic violence, Angelina Jolie appears to getting ready to drop some serious accusations against Brad Pitt. (Celebitchy)

Alexi McCammond exits Teen Vogue following staff complaints over her history of anti-Asian and homophobic tweets. (The Root)

From Roxana: A feel-good story that isn’t actually about like, the failed state of our health care system or the fact that America is the worst when it comes to parental leave. This one is actually nice! (Baltimore Sun)

In a failed attempt to look like a decent human being instead of a vacuous, privileged ottoman, Meghan McCain tweeted “Stop Asian Hate” on Thursday morning, only to be bombarded with people reminding her about the time she defended Trump calling COVID “the Chinese virus” almost a year ago today. (Raw Story)

From Kristy: Ilana’s pregnant!

Here’s why Substack’s scam worked so well. (The Hypothesis)

And here’s a bonus link on what appears to be the bursting of the Substack bubble. (Doyles)

Credit where credit is due: Zack Snyder publicly condemned the “anti-SJW” YouTube channel Geeks + Gamers whose logo was featured on his donation page for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. Needless to say, angry nerds promptly lost their shit at being read for filth. (Your Money Geek)

OK, I know went big on Rahul Kohli showing up as Rebels Ezra Bridger in The Mandalorian, but THIS TIME, it’s totally going to be Mena Massoud. Probably. (io9)

Cannonballers are reading and rereading Julia Quinn’s Bridgerton series. Whether you want to know about a particular book, or get a sense of the series as a whole, the #Bridgerton tag has a review for that. New to romance LanierHghts says they appeal because, "in the end they end up as decent people who were just fighting some big demons and who realize that they appreciate the smart, capable women in their lives for who they are." Have you watched the series yet? (Cannonball Read 13)

And, once again, special thanks to my animal tweet whisperer: