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With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility: Voting for the Pajiba 10 Begins Now

By Dustin Rowles | Pajiba 10 | April 8, 2019 |

By Dustin Rowles | Pajiba 10 | April 8, 2019 |


It’s that very special time of year again, folks, where we cast aside our daggers and pitchforks, we take a break from our daily hellscape, and we do something that not only matters but something in which we actually have a modicum of power. Here, your vote matters, people. Not only that, but you get ten votes, which is basically tantamount to ranked-choice voting. Your outliers might not make the Pajiba 10, but slowly and surely, a consensus builds around ten wonderful people each year, ten celebrities, sports figures, podcasters, or even politicians about whom the Pajiba staff is ultimately compelled to write glowing things. (I dare you all to put Meghan McCain in, just so that Mike has to write about her. No. Nevermind. That’s too cruel).

This is the 14th Annual Pajiba 10, but I understand that each year we gain a few new readers here and there, so for those not familiar with the process, it’s very simple. You provide us with a list of ten celebrities who might comprise your theoretical Freebies list — the people with whom you are allowed to cheat on your significant other (if you don’t have a significant other, pretend). The ten people who are mentioned most often among your lists will make up this year’s Pajiba 10, which is sort of like People’s 10 Most Beautiful People, except that our attraction is more lustful, and that lust tends to be directed toward celebrities with higher than average substance. Easy enough?

There is a twist, as there often is in each year of voting. We won’t be deciding on Best Chris this year (that’s already been decided in 2019). Instead, I’m going to allot one extra slot to allow each one of you to specifically vote someone into the Pajiba Hall of Fame. It’s the least I can do after my massive screw up with the Pajiba Hall of Fame.

Please also try to maintain the format. We’re endeavoring to bring Kim S. — who was so helpful with the Hall of Fame snafu — to be our Price Waterhouse, so to speak, and tabulate the votes independently. Therefore, it would make it much easier if you stuck to an easy-to-tabulate list format, like so:

1. First Name Last
2. First Name Last
3. First Name Last
4. First Name Last
5. First Name Last
6. First Name Last
7. First Name Last
8. First Name Last
9. First Name Last
10. First Name Last
HOF: First Name Last

You may comment on each others’ lists by replying, but please do not add your Pajiba 10 nominees as a reply.

As for the Hall of Fame choices, for the 11th spot, please include one of these names (and only one). If one of these names is not included, or if you try to add a second, we will consider your chad hung and throw out the vote (that said, you are free to include as many among the two-time winners as you’d like in your other ten Freebies).

Ryan Gosling
Paul Rudd
Kristen Bell
Robert Downey, Jr.
Zooey Deschanel
James McAvoy
Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Christina Hendricks
Alexander Skarsgard
Timothy Olyphant
Alison Brie
Mila Kunis
Michael Fassbender
Tom Hardy
Benedict Cumberbatch
Jennifer Lawrence
Tatiana Maslany
Anna Kendrick
Chris Pratt
Chris Evans
David Tennant
John Oliver
Jessica Williams
Emily Blunt
Eva Green
Hayley Atwell
Chris Hemsworth
Taika Waititi
Michael B. Jordan
Janelle Monáe

Oh, and one final thing: I should also mention that votes for the existing seven members of the Hall of Fame do not count. They have achieved a higher plane of existence and therefore are no longer eligible.

Got it? Happy voting. Polls will close Monday night, so you have plenty of time to consider your lists.