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Marjorie Taylor Greene Will Destroy the Entire GOP if Matt Gaetz Isn't Confirmed

By Mike Redmond | News | November 20, 2024 |

Header Image Source: Getty

If there’s one thought that’s brought me comfort as we stare down the barrel of another Trump administration, it’s the undeniable fact that these are not smart people. We are not dealing with the brightest minds here, and not even two weeks into this mess, they’ve already shown a propensity to tear each other apart.

Case in point: Marjorie Taylor Greene has already gone full suicide bomber as Matt Gaetz’s chances of being confirmed as attorney general may not survive the release of a House Ethics Committee report centered around allegations that he had sex with a minor.

However, instead of mounting an assault declaring Gaetz’s innocence — because even Marj is basically admitting he’s not — she chose a different path: Mutual assured destruction. That’s right; if Gaetz is going down for his crimes, so is everybody else.

Via Twitter:

For my Republican colleagues in the House and Senate,

If we are going to release ethics reports and rip apart our own that Trump has appointed, then put it ALL out there for the American people to see.


all the ethics reports and claims including the one I filed

all your sexual harassment and assault claims that were secretly settled paying off victims with tax payer money

the entire Jeffrey Epstein files, tapes, recordings, witness interviews

but not just those, there’s more, Epstein wasn’t/isn’t the only asset

If we’re going to dance, let’s all dance in the sunlight.

I’ll make sure we do.

That’s one way to endorse a nominee for attorney general. “Hey, he committed the same awful crimes as you clowns, so stop being jerks and let him control the justice system!”

Of course, the real question is will Marj make good on her threat? It probably wouldn’t hurt to offer some encouragement before completely jumping ship to Bluesky.