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Don't Get Too Excited About Those Chris Evans 'Avengers: Doomsday' Rumors

By Andrew Sanford | News | January 30, 2025 |

Header Image Source: Photo by David M. Benett/Dave Benett/WireImage

I don’t think I’m alone when I say that the MCU should have closed up shop after Avengers: Endgame. That was the pinnacle of their success, and I’m saying that as someone who prefers Infinity War. The decade-long experiment of a cinematic universe being mapped out like a season of a television show was an innovative success that shouldn’t have worked. There were plenty of bumps along the way, but they stuck the landing and could have called it a day. But there are profits to be had, so the MCU has kept chugging along.

There are movies and TV shows set in the MCU since Endgame that I enjoyed. WandaVision felt exciting and new. Iman Vellani was a revelation in Ms. Marvel, even if that didn’t translate well to the big screen (but that wasn’t her fault). Spider-Man: No Way Home is one of the best films the MCU has produced. The snag is that the MCU’s best offerings have not pushed their next “big plans” forward very well, and the projects that aim to do that have been okay at best. Then, the MCU lost its big villain because the actor playing him is a s***ty person.

While Jonathan Majors is working his way back into the spotlight (a once-shelved movie of his will hit screens in March), the MCU had to pivot away from him. Hard. Their way of doing that was throwing buckets of cash at Robert Downey Jr. and the Russo Brothers. But, like everyone’s new least favorite MLB team, the Los Angeles Dodgers, it looked like Disney wasn’t done buying up talent. Rumors began to swirl that more original Avengers would return to play evil versions of themselves, and that included Chris Evans.

Evans leaving the role of Captain America was integral to the plot of Avengers: Endgame. The man moved on and seemed happy to be living a post-MCU life. Then, he showed up in Deadpool Ampersand Wolverine. While he didn’t return as Steve Rogers, the actor dipped his toe back in the world after it seemed that the pool had been roped off. So, people assumed the rumors of him playing an evil Cap made perfect sense. Not so fast, says the man himself!

“That’s not true, though,” Evans explained when asked about the rumors in an interview with Esquire. “This always happens. I mean, it happens every couple years—ever since [Avengers]: Endgame. I’ve just stopped responding to it.” The actor did not just pull up the weeds, he went a step further and salted the Earth. “Yeah, no—happily retired!” You heard the man! No one has ever said that they weren’t cast in a movie they were cast in, so we can all move on with our lives and focus on the world at large… Nevermind! I’d rather talk about anything else right now!

If the MCU is indeed bringing back an evil team of Avengers played by their original actors, it makes sense to keep that under lock and key. The first half of the last two-part Avengers film ended with scores of heroes crumbling to dust in a shocking scene. A Tony Stark version of Doomsday hearing “on your left” only to be joined by a team of familiar (albeit evil) faces feels like the only way to top that. We might not want to get too excited, just in case, but I’m guessing RDJ and the Russos weren’t the only ones who turned into a Tex Avery Wolf when they saw how deep Disney’s pockets are.