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Will Alex Vause/Laura Prepon Be in Season 4 of 'Orange Is the New Black'?

By Dustin Rowles | Streaming | June 24, 2015 |

By Dustin Rowles | Streaming | June 24, 2015 |

Laura Prepon’s character Alex Vause in the first season of Orange is the New Black was like an treasure unburied and put to a completely different use. She was this great new presence, and nothing like the character we knew from That 70’s Show. Prepon — who was at the time the only name actor on the series — was expriencing a career resurrection of sorts.

Some of that goodwill faded, however, when contract negotiations apparently hit a snag, and Prepon only returned for a handful of episodes in season two (there were also some very dumb rumors that Prepon didn’t want to come back because her character is a lesbian, and lesbian’s allegedly aren’t looked upon favorably in the Church of Scientology). However, season three saw her upped to series regular again, and I kind of wish she hadn’t been.


It wasn’t Prepon’s fault — her character was written into a corner, and she spent much of the season being whiny and paranoid. Of course, it turned out that the whiny paranoia was justified because, in the season’s closing episode, her worst fear came to fruition: The drug kingpin she turned on sent a guy into the prison employed as a guard to kill her.

Season three left Alex’s fate up in the air, and some wondered/hoped she’d be killed off the series.

Alas, it doesn’t look like it. There’s a possibility that she only returns to die in the first episode, but her saying that she’s ready to make an awesome “season” for us suggests she’ll stick around for the entirety.

The potential, rumored plot line for her character doesn’t sound much better than season three: It may see her spending the season dodging the guard trying to kill her, and I’m not sure I’m excited to see that play out for 13 episodes, and I’m certainly not interested in seeing her and Piper reconcile and break-up again. That will-they-won’t-they has not more get-up-and-go left in it.