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The DC Universe’s ‘Titans' Trailer Is Seriously Pissed At You

By Dustin Rowles | Streaming | July 19, 2018 |

By Dustin Rowles | Streaming | July 19, 2018 |


Did you know that D.C. is coming out with its own streaming service? If you’re a D.C. fan, I’m sure you do. As for everyone else, you can jump on board now! For $7.99 a month (or $75 a year), you can add one more streaming app to your phone, which will give you access to Batman: The Animated Series, two series out later this year, Doom Patrol and Swamp Thing, and in 2019, a Harley Quinn TV series.

First up, however, is Titans, which is basically a coming-of-age TV series for an extended roster of D.C. characters, including Robin, who imparts this little bon mot in the Titans trailer: “Fuck Batman.” See, it’s dark! And gritty! And also, really poorly lit! That’s how you know it’s good! Because you can’t see a damn thing.

Why do I feel like this trailer is trying to teach me a lesson? STOP YELLING AT ME? What did I do? I just clicked play, and you’re all of a sudden pissed off at me? I feel like I just got scolded at by a trailer! Why are you so angry? No! You’re the asshole. GOD!

(Image via DC)