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Showrunner Beau Willimon Allegedly Knew about Kevin Spacey's Predatory Behavior on the Set of 'House of Cards'

By Dustin Rowles | Streaming | November 7, 2017 |

By Dustin Rowles | Streaming | November 7, 2017 |

I still like House of Cards. I mean, it’s a shell of its former self and completely jumped the tracks this last season, but it’s still strangely addictive, and there are still a lot of strong characters in this series worth exploring: What’s going on in Doug Stamper’s head? Will Remy Danton and Jackie Sharp just get married already?! I’d like to see Seth Grayson run his natural course until he ends up in prison. Leann Harvey could run a few more campaigns, and I’d really like to see Claire Underwood have her husband assassinated in a sixth and final season of House of Cards. Cold blooded.

But I think it’s time to cut our losses here and shut it down, and that means, no spin-offs, either. Why? Because according to several crew members on the show, showrunner Beau Willimon knew about Kevin Spacey, though he denied it last week when the allegations regarding Spacey’s predatory behavior began to surface.

“I saw that Beau said he had no idea, which I know is completely false,” said a crew member. “They had production meetings about Spacey’s flirtatious behavior toward crew and cast, and it never made it any further than that. It was like a joke.”

“Bullshit. Utter bullshit. 100%,” another higher level source told Buzzfeed, saying that Willimon actually witnessed Spacey harassing people on set.

Meanwhile, the show’s future is uncertain. Netflix says that it will not continue if Spacey is involved, and at the moment, there’s a petition signed by more than 25,000 people to replace Spacey with Kevin James. I like that idea, but only if he’s killed off of Kevin Can’t Wait and no explanation is ever given.

Meanwhile, Netflix still hasn’t done shit about The Ranch.