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Screenshot 2018-11-01 16.22.41.jpg

Does Maya Rudolph Saying "Bubble Bath" Make You All Tingly Inside?

By Mieka Strawhorn | Streaming | November 1, 2018 |

By Mieka Strawhorn | Streaming | November 1, 2018 |

Screenshot 2018-11-01 16.22.41.jpg

On days like today, I could really go for a relaxing, almost too hot bubble bath. Now, reading that sentence, how did the words “bubble bath” sound in your head? If you’re a fan of Netflix’s animated adolescent romp Big Mouth, they probably sounded sultry, effervescent, and downright delightful, because you were hearing them in Maya Rudolph’s voice as Connie The Hormone Monstress. Once you’ve heard Connie say “bubble bath” it’s over, you’ll never say it with a pursed lip again. That /b/ gonna be bopping all over the place.

Many people have taken note of Maya’s uncanny personification (monsterafication?) of a teenage girl’s most unruly impulses. It’s a bravura performance on many levels, but the way she says “bubble bath” is her pièce de résistance.

Here’s Connie’s grand entrance into the show, and her first time letting you know she likes it hot, wet, and sudsy.

Viewers took note and Maya saying “bubble bath” quickly became a lot of people’s kink.

Sometimes you really want to soak in that bubble bath for a long, long time.

Well, your wait is over. Strong Black Lead has delivered on all your Connie The Hormone Monster saying bubble bath needs.

In an InStyle interview, Maya talked a little bit how she came to the voice of Connie.

I was trying to find a syrupy, hairy, furry-sounding lady that just had a huge personality and was also that voice of irrationality and passion and emotion all mixed into one very confusing but enormous package. She was like an inner voice, but one that is totally off and inappropriate. The Hormone Monstress gets to say a lot of crazy shit. She is really out there.

And Maya’s not just a great actor, she’s a fabulous singer as well. It runs in the family. Her mother was the incomparable, Minnie Riperton, known for her ethereal whistle register. Maya’s no coloratura soprano with a five octive range like her momma was, but she’s got them belter chops. On Big Mouth, Maya gets to use her vocal talents for something other than just impersonating Whitney Houston on SNL. Season two gave Connie an ovaries to the wall solo with a song called “I Love My Body”.

Whew, makes me want to head right out to the nearest Korean spa and have me a /b/u/b//b/le /b/ath.