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In Netflix's Second 'Daredevil' Trailer Elektra Delivers Bad News, and It's All Downhill From There

By Cindy Davis | Streaming | February 25, 2016 |

By Cindy Davis | Streaming | February 25, 2016 |

If you were worried Daredevil’s first season would be hard to top, especially with Matt Murdock’s primary foe ***Spoiler (swipe to read) Wilson Fiske last seen in jail End Spoiler***, just tuck that irksome thought right into your back pocket. With this new Season 2 trailer, we get our first look at Elektra, who drops in on Matt with a message that throws his world right back into chaos. And the bad news keeps coming.

“There’s nothing we can do but fight.”

I wish we could see the action a little better, but Elektra’s looking good.


Notice anything different?


Clearly Punisher isn’t Daredevil’s only problem (The Hand, the Yakuza). In case you missed it, here’s the first trailer.

Daredevil returns to Netflix March 18th.


Cindy Davis, (Twitter)