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'Daredevil' Season 2 Details Emerge; Showrunner Calls It 'Daredevil vs. Punisher'

By Cindy Davis | Streaming | June 30, 2015 |

By Cindy Davis | Streaming | June 30, 2015 |

***Spoiler Warning: Discussion of some Dardevil season 1 events follow below. If you’re not caught up, you may want to back out. Additionally, there are possible season 2 spoilers.


After the recent announcement that former Walking Dead star Jon Bernthal would join Daredevil as Frank Castle aka the Punisher, you might have assumed he’d be the second season “big bad” — but you might also be wrong. Despite new showrunner Marco Ramirez referring to season 2 as “Daredevil vs. Punisher,” Matt Murdoch could be facing bigger trouble from another foe.

Since Kingpin (aka Wilson Fisk [Vincent D’Onofrio]) was arrested and jailed at the end of season 1, there’s plenty of room for other powers to take hold in Hell’s Kitchen. Via Nerdist comes word speculation that in addition to the Punisher (and Elektra), we’ll be seeing Bullseye (as yet uncast).

“Kingpin is deposed, leaving the rest of the city’s criminals vying for control over Hell’s Kitchen. Whereas Daredevil prefers to dispense justice with billy club, the Punisher prefers to solve his problems by killing them with hot lead. As you can imagine, things come to a violent, bloody head. So, here’s the speculation. We’ve heard for some time now that Bullseye would appear on Daredevil next year; in fact, it was all but confirmed that Jason Statham was up for the role until he dropped out of negotiations earlier this month…So this is what we’re thinking…by the end of the season Elektra will die — because she always does — which will inspire Frank Castle to team up with Daredevil (since they now have that whole murdered love ones thing in common) to take down the hired killer who’s been creating all this chaos on his jailed employer, the Kingpin’s behalf: Bullseye.”

(Whew! And yes, that seemed to be all one sentence.)

This all sounds great to me, but since I’m merely a show aficionado and not a comic reader, I’ll leave it to the experts as to whether this speculation seems a valid season 2 storyline. I’m a huge fan of Jon Bernthal, and I’d be just as thrilled if he does turn out to be the big bad, but I also like the idea of Murdoch having to deal with multiple foes.

Cindy Davis, (Twitter)