By Vivian Kane | Miscellaneous | June 18, 2015 |
By Vivian Kane | Miscellaneous | June 18, 2015 |
If you’ve never listened to Marc Maron’s WTF podcast, then you’ve never heard a man yell-discussing comedy, filmmaking, and father issues in his garage. Or maybe you have, but probably not elevated to this level. Maron himself is a Howard Sternish type of host: divisive, and he may not be your kind of guy (I don’t think he’s often even his OWN kind of guy), but he gets some flat-out brilliant stories out of his guests. Those guests are usually figures in the entertainment industry— comedians, actors, directors… His last episode was with Judd Apatow, and before that was the comedian Godfrey. He also did an amazing episode with Robin Williams back in 2010 that you should definitely listen to if you haven’t already. But next week, Maron is taking his garage podcast to a whole new level. As he put it in the intro of his last episode,
Brace yourselves. Are you sitting down? Okay. Take a breath. All right. If everything goes as planned, on Monday, I will post a WTF - an episode of this show that you’re listening to now - featuring myself in conversation, talking to at my home in my garage … me, talking to the President of the United States of America, Barack Obama.
Maron says he’s not going to make the interview extra political. He sees Obama as “an incredibly brilliant and interesting man, with a life that I’m going to talk to him about.” Given what we know of Maron’s podcast, I’d say we can get ready for an hour or so of Maron trying to get the president to tell stories about his dad.