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Amazing High School Students Chase Westboro Baptist Hateweasels Out of Town for Protesting Transgender Homecoming Queen

By Petr Navovy | Miscellaneous | October 8, 2015 |

By Petr Navovy | Miscellaneous | October 8, 2015 |

When students from Oak Park High School in Kansas City elected a transgender teen as their homecoming queen they didn’t exactly plan for a reaction from the notorious hate-filled pus-hole that is the Westboro Baptist Church.

They didn’t factor in that, upon hearing of the news of Landon Patterson winning the title of homecoming queen, the nothing-filth of the WBC would announce their intention to roll into town in their vomit-covered shitwagons to stage a to-call-this-a-protest-would-be-an-insult-to-protests outside the school.

They didn’t plan for it, but they sure as hell dealt with it.

Within minutes of their arrival, the WBC enema-people were greeted by 200 high school students and members of the community chanting, ‘Long live the queen!’

Intending to arrive and set up stall to spread their own particular brand of mindless hate, the fuckgoblins of the WBC were instead greeted by an immutable wall of love. They barely had time to slither out of their vans before being chased out of town.

Pictured, the students of Oak Park High School:
Pacific Rim cancelling.gif

You can watch some footage from the counter-protest here:

And, just because: