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Were These Really the Best Kisses of the Year?

By Vivian Kane | Miscellaneous | March 8, 2016 |

By Vivian Kane | Miscellaneous | March 8, 2016 |

The nominees for the MTV Movie Awards were announced today, and while there’s not much stock to be put in this particular ceremony, there are some cool choices of note. The Force Awakens has a crap-ton of nominations, the gender mix is not as heavily weighted in the dude direction as we might expect in categories like Best Hero and Breakout Performance.

But there’s one category that I find truly upsetting: Best Kiss. What the hell was wrong with the movies of the last year if THESE were the best kisses we could see on screen?

Margot Robbie & Will Smith, Focus
I didn’t see this movie, but if this clip is any indication, these two have about as much chemistry as any scene from a middle school acting competition.

Leslie Mann & Chris Hemsworth, Vacation
This one? Really?


Dakota Johnson & Jamie Dornan, Fifty Shades of Grey

It’s also basically impossible to watch a single frame from this movie and not be reminded of the fact that these two actors despised each other.

Amy Schumer & Bill Hader, Trainwreck
Okay, these two did have amazing chemistry. So even if there was no Notebook-level kiss (terrible movie, but it did give us this beautiful, bunkable moment), this is getting warmer.

Rebel Wilson & Adam DeVine, Pitch Perfect 2
What? No. Colder.

This entire movie, and their romantic subplot within it, was unnecessary and disappointing.

Morena Baccarin & Ryan Reynolds, Deadpool
Okay, yes. Obviously. There’s no criticism or disagreement here, this was magic. I’m not sure WHICH kiss is up for the title of Best, but all of them should win.