By Vivian Kane | Miscellaneous | July 20, 2015 |
By Vivian Kane | Miscellaneous | July 20, 2015 |
Every day there are more and more projects thrown onto the “in development” garbage heap. Some of these sound too silly to be true. Unfortunately, most are very, very true. Can you tell the difference? Here are three (because there are just too many ridiculous projects to limit to two) that are happening, and one that luckily is not.
—A live action Sword In the Stone remake as written by Game of Thrones writers. I’m guessing that Madam Mim fight gets a lot more bloody.
—Speaking of Game of Thrones, this one isn’t a Hollywood project. In fact, it’s an anti-Hollywood project. If you’ve been wondering what Jack Gleeson— Joffrey— has been up to since his on-screen wedding day, it turns out he quit the big budget film and TV world to start a theatre company and develop their own plays. What kind of plays? How about a play Bears In Space. It’s about— you guessed it— goddamn bears in space. More accurately, two recently cryogenically un-frozen cosmonaut bears chasing the “impossibly distant limits of the universe.”
—The SyFy channel is in the works to develop their own limited run adaptation of the original classic Night of the Living Dead (Nyte of the Lyvyng Dyd?) because apparently no one has told them they’re about a decade late to this trend. Ted Griffin of Terriers has been tapped to write.
—A “zombie Western futuristic horror movie” is being developed starring a crossover cast of 90s boy bands. The studio behind Sharknado (of course) is teaming up Joey Fatone of ‘N Sync with Backstreet Boys’ Nick Carter.
And the results are…
In order…
Lie (But not too far off, really)