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Twitter Responded to the Oscar Nominations the Only Way It Knows How: The Power of #OscarsSoWhite

By Vivian Kane | Miscellaneous | January 15, 2015 |

By Vivian Kane | Miscellaneous | January 15, 2015 |

Thursday morning’s Oscar nominations upset a lot of people. Many were angered by the snubbing of The Lego Movie, and a couple people were probably mad about Jennifer Aniston (namely Aniston and her really expensive Oscar campaign coach), but most of the anger was (deservedly) aimed at Selma being all but shut out of the race, and the general lack of diversity in Hollywood. And when internet people are upset, they turn to the only weapon they know: the hashtag. #OscarsSoWhite began trending early Thursday morning, and some people used it to express their outrage visually.

Some with jokes.

And some not-so-jokes.

Look, I’m sure many of you think hashtags are an ineffective way to express yourself, but at the very least, they have the power to quickly show a sense of larger solidarity on an issue. No, this hashtag will not change anything this year. But if we all stay quiet, the chances that anything will be different in 10 years are nil.