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This Week In 'Seriously, F*ck That Guy'

By Vivian Kane | Miscellaneous | October 23, 2015 |

By Vivian Kane | Miscellaneous | October 23, 2015 |

This week, we say “Fuck you” to:

Anthony Mackie, for saying the Black Panther movie doesn’t need a black director like Seabiscuit didn’t need to be directed by a horse.

Pretty much everyone who is interviewing Daniel Craig on his current press tour.

The New York MTA for feeling squeamish over subway ads for those period underwear you’ve probably been seeing everywhere. Because plenty of ads show a lot more skin trying to sell regular underwear or plastic surgery, but what if a child saw the word “period” and wanted to know what it meant?? The horror!

This Romeo & Juliet TV sequel… maybe? I honestly can’t tell what my feelings on this are, but I’m pretty sure this sounds dumb.

The trailer for Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. I know the book is divisive, but I loved it. This trailer, though, is a joyless mess with nothing Jane Austen about it, save some Empire waists.

Josh’s girlfriend Valencia on Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. Seriously, fuck her and her advanced yoga poses.

This entire situation of a woman on her wedding day, providing her father with a certificate from her doctor stating her hymen is still in tact.

Halloween is one of my very favorite days, but seriously, also fuck Halloween.

Fuck Paul Ryan, longtime opponent of paid family leave, who will only run for Speaker of the House if he can skip all the fundraising and stuff that typically comes with that position to— you guessed it— spend more time with his family.

Remember Martin Shkreli? The pharmaceutical CEO who jacked up the price of AIDS medicine? Well, he already got his ‘fuck you’ this week when this company released their own version of the same drug at a cost of just under $1 per pill.

Finally, fuck this dog for being more coordinated than I am.