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Lessons From Internet Wiseasses: This Is What Happens When Your Name Is Sarah (O’)Connor & You Tweet About Murderous Robots

By Vivian Kane | Miscellaneous | July 1, 2015 |

By Vivian Kane | Miscellaneous | July 1, 2015 |

Most of the time, the majority of us have a pretty firm grasp on the differences between our real lives and the fictional world, right? (I mean, I hope so. Let’s just say yes for the sake of our own sanity, okay?) meaning we should be able separate the fictitious character Sarah Connor, enemy of Skynet, mother of the Resistance, and an actual woman named Sarah O’Connor, a reporter for the Financial Times. Yes, in theory, we should be able to do that… until the latter tweets a link to an article about robot murder, and we realize that this is the internet, where we are all just waiting for the glimmer of an opportunity to be self-congratulating wiseasses. Hence, what happened earlier today when the actual O’Connor tried to bring attention to a horrific event from a German factory.

Yes, a man died when the factory robot he was installing somehow pushed him up against a metal plate. This is horrifying, and tragic. That, however, is apparently outweighed by THE INSATIABLE DESIRE FOR TERMINATOR JOKES.

And she wasn’t exaggerating. People went f*cking crazy.

Even the adbots got in on the action.

The thing is, Sarah (O’)Connor doesn’t give a crap about your Terminator jokes, She just wants to write about financial news, with the occasional robot murder thrown in BECAUSE IT’S IMPORTANT.

She would also like to remind us that this was an actual human being who lost his life.

I know, I get it. We all had a tough decision to make today. “A person died in a tragic accident; but on the other hand, I have all these puns and photoshop ideas in my head that NEED to come out.” It’s like the internet Sophie’s Choice.