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The End of 'Downton Abbey' is Nigh

By Genevieve Burgess | Miscellaneous | March 21, 2015 |

By Genevieve Burgess | Miscellaneous | March 21, 2015 |

While it has yet to be officially announced, TVLine is reporting that the upcoming sixth season of Downton Abbey will be the last season. And while I watch at this point mostly to check off squares on my Downton Abbey tropes bingo card, I will say that I’ll miss parts of the show. Specifically the scenery, as basically all the scenes at the estate set me to drooling. Given that several actors have quietly left the show over the last two seasons, putting an end to it before having to come up with a reason for anyone else to flee to better/more lucrative pastures seems best. Hopefully this means a graceful conclusion to all current storylines (either throw both Bateses in prison or let both of them out, please) and probably another wedding for Mary. This also means we don’t have to grapple with the issue of the Dowager Countess’s death, which I am very grateful for.

Also of note, the Duchess of Cambridge visited the set last week while extremely pregnant. PBS has some nice, non-spoilery photos if you’re into that sort of thing.