By Vivian Kane | Miscellaneous | March 9, 2016 |
By Vivian Kane | Miscellaneous | March 9, 2016 |
This past Tuesday, March 7th, was International Women’s Day. And in the words of Sarah Silverman, as stated on this glorious day last year,
That’s right, fellow women, A WHOLE DAY! But then the obvious question today, March 8th, is… what do we do now? Where are we left today, and what are we to do on this, the first in the 364 days before the next day dedicated to all women worldwide? What does the world look like today?
Well, we’re still getting super weird comments on everything we put onto the internet.
And we (at least the American we, along with the Papua New Guinea we, and— nope, that’s it) still don’t get a day of government-mandated paid maternity leave.
And Indiana wants women who have had abortions to pay for their fetus’ funerals.
Canada’s doing more than their fair share (or maybe exactly their fair share). The National Film Board has pledged a commitment to actual gender parity, declaring a dedication to making sure 50% of their films are made by women.
Dolly Parton is going on tour for the first time in 25 years. And, just a reminder, Dolly Parton is the goddamn coolest.
JK Rowling is both infuriating Native Americans and allies and also delighting them. Of course.
And of course, the big Wachowski news. A woman had to share a part of herself with us, which she may otherwise have chosen not to, because she was being blackmailed.
Yup, that sounds like the world. Basically, today— the day after International Women’s Day— is exactly the same as every other day. Some great things. Some shitty things. Just a whole lot of the usual things. Whoever could have thunk it?