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Sony Really, REALLY Hates Adam Sandler

By Vivian Kane | Miscellaneous | December 5, 2014 |

By Vivian Kane | Miscellaneous | December 5, 2014 |

Sony Pictures is still dealing with the fallout from its crazy cyber attack that may or may not have been North Korea’s retaliation against Seth Rogen. Over the weekend, a LOT of files were leaked to the public. Here are some of the bits of information that were made known:

  • Employees’ salaries, social security numbers, medical histories, criminal background checks and more.
  • With those salaries leaked, Sony’s million dollar gender pay gap was also revealed.
  • Thousands of the company’s passwords, which were stealthily kept in a folder labeled “Password.”
  • Scripts. Vince Gilligan’s new pilot and a Beverly Hills Cop reboot were among the scripts leaked.
  • Some truly terrible Powerpoint presentations.
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But the most embarrassing item leaked may be how much everyone at Sony despises working with Adam Sandler. In a file titled “Sony_2012_Comments,” there are a ton of complaints abut a wide range of subjects, but one name comes up again and again.

There is a general “blah-ness” to the films we produce. Althought we manage to produce an innovative film once in awhile, Social Network, Moneyball, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, we continue to be saddled with the mundane, formulaic Adam Sandler films.
That comment goes on to say,
[There’s] a strange dichotomy of encouraging us to be fiscally responsible, but then upper management allows certain talent and filmmakers to bleed us dry with their outlandish requests for private jets, wardrobe and grooming stylists - and are surprised when they are asked to work more than 5 hours to promote their film.
And I’m going to go out on a limb and speculate that Adam Sandler is maybe at least one of the directors they’re talking about.
Be more focussed and ruthless in directing our resources to businesses that will sustain the long term health of SPE - networks, broadcast TV shows, new movie franchises, digital distibution By the same token, stop or reduce support for areas that have no more value (Sandler movies, DVD)

[The] studio needs to change deal structure that has been in place with Happy Madison, as this arrangement has disproportionately benefitted Adam Sandler and his team, relative to SPE.

In TV and Theatrical, I hope management looks closely at the money spent on development and term deals to ensure efficiency. There are a lot of term deal personnel as well as creative personnel, yet we only release a dozen or so Columbia Pictures a year, for example. And will we still be paying for Adam Sandler? Why?

To which Adam Sandler presumably replied: adamsandler-shutup.gif

Via LAist, Gawker, Slate