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Pajiba Menu Challenge Round Two - Vote Now!

By Lord Castleton | Miscellaneous | April 24, 2017 |

By Lord Castleton | Miscellaneous | April 24, 2017 |

Well round one is in the books. It was a real humdinger.

In most cases, one menu won fairly convincingly over their opponent, with the exception of two real nail-biters:


Victoria eeks out a close one over Hannah and Seth ‘bests’ TK by less than ten votes. If I wasn’t running this bad boy myself I’d absolutely call bullshit on that result because TK is a mensch and Seth is a talking Horcrux from planet Asshole. That and I got a little deja-vu acid-reflux from seeing the fucking red team win a vote it shouldn’t have.

But alas, the results are valid, even if we all know in our hearts that they’re wrong. Half the field has been eliminated and then there were sixteen.

Here’s the Overlord Bracket: (tip: you can click and drag to move the image around)

Aaaand here’s the Eloquents Bracket:

Wherever possible I’ve added new videos to the submissions. For my money, this is the championship week for the Overlords: Rebecca’s Shopsin’s vs. Jamie’s Biscuit Head? Whoever wins that might just steamroll to the finals. On the Eloquent’s side, some really strong contenders are going to make it tough to choose. But we roll on. Ever more determined. Ever hungrier.

As a reminder, the criteria is: what percentage of the items on this menu interest me?

One more reminder: There’s a direct link below, but if you use the embedded form, remember that there’s a scroll bar on the right.

Okay then! Let’s play the Feud!


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