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No, Your Beanie Babies Still Won't Make You Rich No Matter What the Internet Says

By Genevieve Burgess | Miscellaneous | April 19, 2015 |

By Genevieve Burgess | Miscellaneous | April 19, 2015 |

There’s a story going around about a young couple in the UK who have found a rare Princess Diana beanie baby for $15 that “could be worth thousands.” Here’s the Buzzfeed write up, because I’d rather send people there to The Daily Mail as I feel less icky about supporting a media entity very interested in telling me what kind of pie I am rather than whatever we’re calling The Daily Mail these days. All the headlines would lead you to believe that it’s a sure thing that this incredibly rare beanie baby will make these people money, except: “One similar bear is currently listed for $375,000. However, the couple listed theirs at a starting price of approximately $30,000, according to the Daily Mail.”

You guys, they went to the press with this “incredible find” to drum up attention for the fact that they wanted to sell the bear and hopefully get a decent price for it. You can list a stuffed toy for whatever you want online, that doesn’t mean anyone’s going to pay it. Finding a “first edition” Princess Diana beanie baby isn’t like finding a Whistler in grandma’s attic where you KNOW you’ll get a good pay-out. Despite the dreams of all 90s kids (myself included, I remember when that damn bear launched) the market for beanie babies has basically dried up. MAYBE they could find a Diana fanatic willing to pay a lot for it, but it’s far from guaranteed that they’d get anywhere near that asking price.

Or maybe their gambit will work and some sucker will see the story and decide that they MUST pay $30,000 for that bear, because someone is selling it for 10 TIMES that much so it’s a steal! People aren’t particularly bright most of the time.