By Lord Castleton | Miscellaneous | September 26, 2016 |
By Lord Castleton | Miscellaneous | September 26, 2016 |
On Friday I wrote a very measured piece about how people we love may diverge from us in the political arena. It’s important to remember the complexity of the modern world, and how all of us, both conservatives and liberals alike, bring our own vibrancy to the flawed but wonderful place we call the United States of America.
But that was Friday.
Today is game day.
Today, we celebrate the breaking of seemingly ageless shackles that say a woman can’t be President of the United States. Today, a woman stands as the nominee of a major political party for the first time in a nationally televised debate.
Today is game day and it’s HUGE.
We know that the Republican nominee is going to use dirty tricks.
Our nominee is ready for them.
We know that the opposing candidate will try to move the conversation from facts to fiction.
Our candidate is ready to keep the ship on course.
We know that one of the nominees stands for hatred and misogyny and fear and exclusion and inequality. We know that he wants to shift the country into reverse.
Our nominee seeks to bring the country forward, not backward.
So it’s time now to send out our support for Hillary. Whether that’s a word of appreciation, putting out energy into the world, prayer, or whatever your personal preference is. Now’s the time.
I’ll start:
Hillary: Once upon a time, I believed all the lies they told about you. I remember saying aloud, “when Hillary runs, it doesn’t matter who runs against her, they’ll have my vote.” That’s where I was, back then. But our country has grown and I’ve grown, and I’m proud of your work for our nation and for who you’ve become as a human being. I’m inspired by the resiliency you show in the face of so much undeserved loathing. I’m inspired by your leadership and your life’s work, and that by putting yourself in the spotlight and breaking barriers, you’ve already made the world a better place for both my daughters and my sons. By coming out loudly and proudly for you I’m going to anger a lot of my friends and family. It’s okay. Today I stand WITH YOU, FOR YOU and BEHIND YOU. Because today is the biggest day until the election and I’m with you 100%. You’ve worked so hard to be where you are and the rising tide of your candidacy lifts all boats. Time to block out all the noise. Time to get in the zone. Time to go out there and show everyone what you and the Democratic party stand for. Go get ‘em.
Now you go.
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