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Leslie Jones is the Greatest Olympic Commentator in the Universe

By Brian Byrd | Miscellaneous | August 7, 2016 |

By Brian Byrd | Miscellaneous | August 7, 2016 |

Leslie Jones is an American treasure.

You either understand this and embrace her aggressive comedic style for the genius that it is, or you send her Harambe memes on Twitter because you’re racist dumpster water who should be forced to spend the rest of their days alone in an abandoned mine shaft. Actually, that’s cruel. You can have company. [/draws a smiley face on a used diaper and chucks it in after them].

Despite being full of awful monsters who treat Jones like she’s sub-human solely because of her appearance, skin color, and gender, Jones loves this country. More specifically, she LOVES the United States Olympic team. Her love is subtle and understated, but real. See if you can spot in this video where she proclaims her affection for the Games.

Jones, who took a two-day Twitter sabbatical last month due to harassment from the aforementioned single-celled organisms, chose to use the medium to share her Olympic enthusiasm with the world. For the past 24 hours (and counting), she’s delivered vertically-filmed, hilariously narrated commentary on events ranging from gymnastics to judo to cycling to swimming. It’s sloppy and funny and human and exponentially better than the cloying, Splenda-infused human-interest crap NBC forces on us every two years. Look at this awesomeness:

She’s unafraid to deliver thoughtful criticisms at fellow NBC personnel:

She gets young people involved in the Games by making references aimed at their demographic:

She knows how to get viewers excited about the more obscure sports:

Her unparalleled soccer analysis blends advanced metrics with a master tactician’s understanding of the game:

She points out the obvious in a way that’s still hilarious:

She quickly and professionally corrects her mistakes:

Jones did such a kick-ass job that NBC Olympics Executive Producer Jim Bell officially invited her to come down to Rio and swim in Brazil’s raw sewage lagoons join the broadcast team. At least one prominent fan supports this move.

So to recap, Leslie Jones is funny and passionate about the US Olympic team. Her enthusiasm brings joy to tens of thousands of fans and earned her an invite to Rio. She is a great American.

Meanwhile, repugnant Twitter eggs are wondering what the hell this diaper is so damn happy about all the time.