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Keep Your "Perfect Wife" Jokes to Yourself

By Genevieve Burgess | Miscellaneous | January 16, 2014 |

By Genevieve Burgess | Miscellaneous | January 16, 2014 |

Community on NBC at 8:00pm ET.

The 19th Annual Critic’s Choice Movie Awards on The CW at 8:00pm ET. I feel like in the gauntlet of awards shows, this ranks above the People’s Choice but below the SAGs.

Parks & Recreation on NBC at 8:30pm ET.

The Spoils of Babylon on IFC at 10:00pm ET. Opinions on this seem to be split, but Kristen Wiig’s flailing arms from behind the chair she collapsed over will never not be funny to me. Or the fact that a character is played by a mannequin. Unfortunately, Tobey Maguire is a weak link in my eyes. He just seems way too earnest somehow. Elijah Wood used to have a similar problem, I think it’s just my perception of boyishly wide blue eyes.

Jerks with Cameras on MTV at 10:30pm ET. Series premiere. I feel like this is the answer to a trick question and not a real show. Like “What’s behind 80% of YouTube videos?” or “Why won’t anyone in my generation ever be able to run for political office?”

Genevieve Burgess looks forward to that bright, shining day when we all have horribly embarrassing/incriminating photos on the internet. And on that day, we will all be free.