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Kate Mara Feels Obama Watching, Judging

By Vivian Kane | Miscellaneous | February 14, 2014 |

By Vivian Kane | Miscellaneous | February 14, 2014 |

So I somehow missed the fact that Barack Obama is a huge House of Cards fan. But here’s a video of him joking about getting a cameo on the show.

And yesterday he tweeted what we were all thinking.

This makes me so happy. I like to think of him tucked into bed next to the First Lady, alternating chuckling and berating the TV for getting it wrong. Not everyone finds this so amusing though. Kate Mara talked to the Hollywood Reporter about the anxiety it causes her.

It’s the coolest news ever — it’s very, very exciting and flattering. And then it also really embarrasses me because I do some inappropriate things as Zoe, and I feel like it’s like my dad watching. I’m like, ‘Don’t watch episode five!’

Yeah, if the President were watching me get some mouth action whilst on the phone with my dad, I’d be a little squeamish.

And while we’re on the subject of the POTUS’ Twitter activity, whoever’s managing this account is killing it in the cat picture department.

Vivian Kane is pretty sure the Adorable Care Act would get unprecedented bipartisan support.