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Join In On The Fun, It's Official Roast Joffrey Day

By Joanna Robinson | Miscellaneous | December 12, 2013 |

By Joanna Robinson | Miscellaneous | December 12, 2013 |

HBO is having a little fun today roasting everyone’s favorite little incestuous smear, King Joffrey. Here’s their promo featuring the impossible-to-top Tyrion.

Social media being what it is, everyone is free to join in. Including, uh, famous blood-thirsty directors…

…members of the Game Of Thrones cast…

…fictional characters…


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…uhm, department stores (?!)…

…and, of course, Pajibans…

Even if you look down your nose at Twitter, you have to admit that this is exactly the kind of fun it was built for. Well that and for breaking world news. Whatever. HBO will be popping out some fun little visuals all day.


So even if you don’t usually hop on Twitter, it might be worth it to follow the #RoastJoffrey hashtag today and drop them a line. Remember, sometimes the simplest burns are the best.