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Jesus. Stolen Snapchat Images From Up to 200,000 Teenagers Leaked by Those 4Chan Bastards

By Dustin Rowles | Miscellaneous | October 13, 2014 |

By Dustin Rowles | Miscellaneous | October 13, 2014 |

The whole damn point of Snapchat was so that people — mostly teenagers — could send photos to their friends knowing that they’d soon disappear from both their phones and servers within seconds. That their privacy would not be invaded. That they could safely take naked selfies without concerns that an pissed off ex would share them on the Iternet.

Now, allegedly the same people who were behind the stolen naked celebrity photos from a few weeks ago have managed to trick hundreds of thousands of Snapchat users into using, which allowed users to view the photos on a desktop instead of a cell phone.

What they didn’t realize, however, was that the hackers were saving up their logins and passwords, and over the weekend, they used them to drop videos and pictures of as many as 200,000 teenagers. Yesterday, a site went live 13 gigabytes of content said to have been captured from users.

That’s f**ked up.

Snapchat itself remained secure, however. It was through the third-party app — explicitly discouraged by Snapchat — that the hackers manages to gain access to the photos.

The only silver lining here is that, with so many photos and videos — most of it the kind of boring, mundane pictures you’d expect to see from teenagers — much of the upsetting or damaging naked photos are getting lost in the shuffle, so to speak.

It is, however, yet another reminder that nothing on your phone, on your computer, or in your apps is safe from thieving assholes. Technology giveth, then technology screweth us over.

Stay safe out there, kids. You’re much better off using Polaroids to take your dick pics and sending them via snail mail. Include matches so that the recipient can torch them afterwards.

via The Guardian