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Hold Up, Are We Getting a Furiosa Line of Hot Topic Clothing?

By Vivian Kane | Miscellaneous | July 28, 2016 |

By Vivian Kane | Miscellaneous | July 28, 2016 |

We’ve talked a lot about Hot Topic here— how we hate it, and love it, and hate how much we love it, and hate ourselves for that love. This is a brand that I thought I outgrew somewhere around my middle school graduation, as did many of us. There’s no inherent shame in shopping there (I suppose), it just doesn’t fit with the image many of us now want to project of ourselves, living as adults, in an adult world where people don’t question our authority as smooth-talking adultpeople.


But to hell with all of that, because maybe more than any recent line, this new news straight out of Comic-Con has us questioning our very sophisticated tastes in adult things of all types. Just last week in San Diego, the supremely awesome Her Universe (the force behind our change of Hot Topic heart from the start) held a fashion show to determine their next line of geek-based prettiness. And oh wow, is it exciting.

The Comic-Con show was for couture looks, but it’s easy to see how they’ll translate to Hot Topic looks. This pun itself is worthy of having won the contest, but the idea of wearing the Marauders’ Map pushes it over the edge of WAY TOO COOL.


That was the in-person audience’s choice, but it’s the judges’ pick that I can not wait to see translate to an in-store look.


So there’s going to be a Fury Road inspired line, or at least single look? That’s just the tiniest bit amazing, right?

Now, in addition to these two looks that were voted winners in San Diego, there are a whole bunch of runners up that are vying for the third spot in the winners’ circle, as decided by internet audience vote. (That’s you!) Check them out, because there’s everything from a Falkor gown to a Hannibal dinner, from the TARDIS shooting off into time and space, to the virus from 28 Days Later translated into gown form.

These people are too creative to handle.