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Here Were the Most Googled Words During the First Presidential Debate

By Vivian Kane | Miscellaneous | September 27, 2016 |

By Vivian Kane | Miscellaneous | September 27, 2016 |

Tuesday’s debate broke records to establish itself not only as the most-watched debate in U.S. history, but also as the most-tweeted. The exact numbers aren’t available, but 2012’s first election debate saw 10.3 million tweets sent out, and Twitter says this one broke that record.

Donald Trump may not understand that most of the country’s voters have access to “the cyber,” even though most are neither his 10-year-old son (who “is so good with these computers, it’s unbelievable”), nor “somebody sitting on their bed that weighs 400 pounds.”

No matter anyone’s age or weight (BTW, fuck you, Trump), most of the people watching the debate were on “the cyber.” Which means we were tweeting, and we were Googling, sometimes to fact-check (since that wasn’t part of Lester Holt’s job description), and sometimes just to figure out what the hell Trump was saying.

Here were some of the top-Googled searches during and just following the debate:

A lot of viewers couldn’t tell if Trump said he was going to cut taxes “big league” or “bigly.” Both are words, but one isn’t an adverb and the other makes you sound dumb as hell. Most official transcripts went with big league.

Temperament and Stamina (i.e. Trump’s strongest qualities, according to him and no one else, especially after Googling to make sure those words still mean what we think they mean.)

Trump seems to think this means he did something right. I’m not sure this search spike was actually a win for him, so much as an en masse flocking to any source of actual information, as opposed to his nonsensical mouth yells.

Hillary Clinton

Registrarse para votar
That’s Spanish for “register to vote,” which had a giant spike (like more than 100,000) in searches Monday night, right around the end of the debate. Gee, I wonder why.