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Gwendoline Christie Had the Best Reaction to Hearing Her 'Star Wars' Character's Original Gender

By Vivian Kane | Miscellaneous | December 7, 2015 |

By Vivian Kane | Miscellaneous | December 7, 2015 |

As little as we know about The Force Awakens’ Captain Phasma, what we do know is totally exciting. Mostly because pretty much all we know is that the character will be played by Gwendoline Christie, and that’s never disappointing news. Though, according to a tidbit scooped by Vulture, Christie wasn’t always the obvious choice, because originally, the role was written as a male character.

Which— side bar— maybe someone should get around to telling Target that’s not the case anymore.

That costume wouldn’t be a problem, of course, if only it was also came in the girls’ section.

Anyway, back to this story. Apparently the role was still male when the first casting news wave was released and people noticed the lack of women. They then changed the gender and cast Christie in direct response to the public criticism. Which is a pretty damn cool story. But it’s not the best part. The really fun part of this story is how Gwendoline Christie reacted. Because Vulture’s scoop was so secret, she herself didn’t even know this fact.

Now, if you only know Christie from Game of Thrones, you’re probably not too used to seeing her smile. But if you’ve ever seen an interview with her, you know the woman is a 6’3” goofball.

Keep that in mind when you read her reaction to hearing Phasma wasn’t always written to be a woman.

“Really?” Christie said, her mouth dropping open. We were perched on two white couches in one of the cavernous conference rooms at the Los Angeles Convention Center, and she immediately hopped towards me, giddy about the revelation. “No. No!” she said, laughing in disbelief. “It’s so interesting, because I’m really uncovering more about this film from people like you than I knew before! Please just tell me everything he said!”

This smile!

And these legs!

Just imagine them fangirling to the point where they are HOPPING towards you, begging you to talk her. I just imagined it, and I’m now dead forever.