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'Ghost Adventures' Couple Found Dead in an Apparent Murder-Suicide

By Grainger Heavensbee | Miscellaneous | September 24, 2015 |

By Grainger Heavensbee | Miscellaneous | September 24, 2015 |

Mark and Debby Constantino, known as paranormal investigators and guests on shows like Ghost Adventures and Ghost Hunters, were found dead yesterday, after an apparent murder-suicide in which another man was also killed, according to KTVN.

The couple had been estranged, following a history of domestic violence. In fact, Mark had been charged with kidnapping, domestic battery by strangulation, and domestic battery just last month.

Debby was living elsewhere in Reno with two roommates. Yesterday, one of those roommates notified the police when she found a male roommate dead and Debby missing. Police discovered that she had been kidnapped and was being held in the apartment of one of their adult children. Attempts to negotiate failed, and when the police finally broke in around 1:30 p.m., they found both Mark and Debby dead.

Mark had been out on bail stemming from the August incident of domestic violence. Earlier this year, Debby was also arrested for slicing Mark’s arm with a kitchen knife.

The two specialized in EVP, or recording the voices of ghosts on tape.

Source: KTVN