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Finally, A Real Life Hero Is Tackling Our Great Television Pet Peeve

By Vivian Kane | Miscellaneous | May 10, 2016 |

By Vivian Kane | Miscellaneous | May 10, 2016 |

When we watch television, there’s an obvious willing suspension of our disbelief. We know the things we’re watching aren’t real (most especially if the show is labeled reality TV), but if our delicate sensibilities aren’t cared for in the execution, our investment in that fake world can fall apart, and fast. Now, finally, someone is taking on one of the biggest crimes in television details: the empty coffee cup.

The empty coffee cup is EVERYWHERE. Even characters whose entire persona is largely based on their love of coffee (GILMORE GIRLS, I’M LOOKING IN YOUR DIRECTION) can’t seem to manage the simple act of pretending there is liquid in their very empty cup. TV critic Myles McNutt is the real-life hero who has given satisfaction to everyone who thought they were the only person who fixated on this, with his long-running hashtag #EmptyCupAwards.

Empty Coffee Cup Theater: #SiliconValley Edition. #IAmACrazyPerson

A video posted by Myles McNutt (@memles) on

#HappyEndings: Brilliant. Beloved. Missed. Not Immune. #EmptyCupAwards

A video posted by Myles McNutt (@memles) on

Real Talk: Justin Baldoni just poured hot coffee on his baby. #EmptyCupAwards

A video posted by Myles McNutt (@memles) on

And now McNutt and filmmaker Daniel Hubbard have teamed up to expose not just how often these empty cups are waved around (ALL THE TIME), but also why it bugs us to such an extreme degree.

If you’re one of the lucky people who had never noticed this phenomenon before, congratulations and I’m sorry, because you can now never unsee it. It is everywhere, and it is annoying as all hell. I’m all for this solution, though:

I’d Kickstart that in a heartbeat.