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Everything You Thought You Knew About Wizardry Is Bullshit! J.K. Rowling Just Introduced a New Sorting Quiz

By Vivian Kane | Miscellaneous | June 28, 2016 |

By Vivian Kane | Miscellaneous | June 28, 2016 |

I have to admit, I’ve been slow to get on the Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them train. I (like every human) love Harry Potter, but I’ve been considering that book (so to speak) closed. I put this new material in the same category as Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans. Not that these new books and movie are equivalent to booger-flavored jelly beans, but both seem to be cool, fun additions to the canon, but superfluous, and something I’ll be fine knowing exists but never touching.

And then this new trailer dropped, and it changed everything. It is pure excitement. To be honest, I don’t know if I can even call it a trailer, because there’s no material from the live-action movie. It’s more a trailer for the lore, the story, and the important figures in this history, which is what so many Harry Potter fans are drawn to to begin with.

If this strikes a chord in you, DEFINITELY go check out the extensive background at Pottermore. The detailed story of Isolt Sayre, basically the Irish precursor to Harry Potter-turned-crossdressing Shakespearean heroine, is the stuff Harry Potter fans dream of.

And on top of all of that, Pottermore has a new sorting quiz, separate from the Hogwarts houses, although clearly still tied to the same types of wizards. So the site sorted you into Gryffindor when you OBVIOUSLY IDENTIFY AS A HUFFLEPUFF? (What? Hufflepuffs can have a love of caps lock.) How do we rebel against being sorted into houses we don’t even know yet?
