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Einstein's Papers Digitized and Online

By Alexander Joenks | Miscellaneous | December 8, 2014 |

By Alexander Joenks | Miscellaneous | December 8, 2014 |

The coroner who performed the autopsy on Einstein kind of sort of stole his brain and no one even knew about it for twenty years. He drove around the country, with it preserved in jars and carried around in old cardboard boxes. Dig up the story if you like, it’s been told in a few places, and Wikipedia has enough of a page to point you towards books and films. Who needs horror films when we literally have stolen genius brains wandering the American back roads?

I only hope that when I finally die at the ripe old age of two hundred sixty four, that someone thinks highly enough of me to steal my brain and take it on a horrifying road trip.

But in any case, if you’ve wondered just how Einstein got to be the way he was, what little intricacies of his daily life might give hints at this man whose mind shifted the course of science, I’ve got news for you that doesn’t involve stealing a few juicy chunks of that stolen brain and hoping that eating them passes on genius by way of old cannibal legends and not just some grotesque zombie prion disease.

Over five thousand documents of Einstein’s early life have been fully digitized and translated into English. They’re available in a nifty little interface on Princeton’s website here. Birth certificate? Check. School transcripts? Check. Tasteful nudes? This is a spoiler free zone.

(source: The Verge)