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Don't Get SAD, Get Even

By Joanna Robinson | Miscellaneous | January 31, 2011 |

By Joanna Robinson | Miscellaneous | January 31, 2011 |

Batten down the hatches, you Eastern, Mid, and Midwestern Pajibans, another snowstorm approacheth. I sure you are all stocking up on the essentials (canned soup, tarps, bottled water, ammo), but I want to make sure you prepare your mind as well as your body for the coming onslaught. I’ve just read a whole Wikipedia article on Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), so, obviously, I’m an expert now. The following sound medical advice is based on my 29 years of life in sunny California where we have no seasons.

Try Your Hand At Home Improvement!

Hey, if you’re stuck in your house anyway, how about you check a few things off that Honey Do list? Grout some tile or caulk the tub. Has that squeaky door been driving you nuts? Heck, why not put up a new one?


Spend Some Time In The Garden!

If it’s not too bitter cold, tromp outside and enjoy mother nature. Stop and smell the roses is a saying for a reason, you know. Communing with your vegetation can be quiet soothing.


Focus On Your Work!

Hey, nothing helps my mood like some good old fashioned hard work. What about that blog you’ve always been meaning to write? Are there some work emails you can answer from home? Your boss will be so pleased, and you know how pleasing her helps you feel good about yourself!


Get Some Exercise!

A lot of us are inclined, in the winter months, to let our health regimen slip. Don’t feel like just because the weather outside is frightful, you can’t get the old heart rate up. Try a stationary bike or some step aerobics. It’ll work wonders for both body and soul.


Paint The Walls A Fresh New Color!

Hey, friends, nothing says winter blues like a blah wall color. Be brave! Try something bold! A nice crimson shade will really make the room pop.


Just Chill Out, Man

If all else fails, find a quiet corner where you can relax, forget your cares, and cool down. Winter only lasts so long, my darlings. Spring will be here soon.


Joanna Robinson hopes to never be taken seriously and wonders where all the rum’s gone, red or otherwise.