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Donald Trump Keeps Saying Horrific Things and I Don't Know What to Do, So F*ck It, Just Dump Angry GIFs in the Comments

By Courtney Enlow | Miscellaneous | June 14, 2016 |

By Courtney Enlow | Miscellaneous | June 14, 2016 |

I no longer know how to report on this, discuss this, think about this or anything else going on in the world right now with any semblance of reason or calm, and I know that’s kind of my thing, but there is absolutely nothing I can say or do that doesn’t make me want to scream and cry and hurt something, so fuck it, let’s just dump gifs in the comments. Something angry, something sad, whatever. However you feel, all the ways you feel, gif that shit. Or write it out if you can. I sure can’t. So this is our safe space. Just put it all out there.

And anyone who infringes upon this safe space and starts shit? At the very least, your comment will be deleted. Fuck you. This isn’t your fucking Twitter feed. This is our house. We have no control over anything else in this world, but we can protect this one small space. Probably. Maybe. I don’t know. But I do know that I feel completely helpless and all I want to do is this because I don’t know what the fuck else to do.

I’ll get it started.









