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Chuck Lorre's Abandoned Emmy Speech Might Make You Hate Him And His Mid-Level Pablum A Little Less

By Joanna Robinson | Miscellaneous | September 27, 2013 |

By Joanna Robinson | Miscellaneous | September 27, 2013 |

We’re awfully fond on this site of holding Chuck Lorre personally responsible for all that’s wrong with popular, subpar TV comedies. The mastermind behind Two And A Half Men, Mike & Molly and Big Bang Theory seems hell bent on peddling his sitcom opiates to the masses and oh, brother, is he good at it. I’m pretty sure he could buy and sell Walter White ten times over.

Big Bang Theory was a favorite to win going into last week’s Emmys and though I can’t cheer much louder for the ultimate victor (Modern Family), I can wring a little satisfaction out of the fact the Lorre might have the ratings and the cash but he doesn’t have everything. Not yet.

But Chuck Lorre is a human being, people, and even I had to soften a little when I saw the speech he wrote but never used. “Don’t cry?” Awwww, soylent green is people. And hey, listen, geek god Neil Gaiman likes him, so he can’t be all bad. Right?

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