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Chloe Bennet Wants to Know What Marvel Has Against Its Own TV Shows

By Vivian Kane | Miscellaneous | May 17, 2016 |

By Vivian Kane | Miscellaneous | May 17, 2016 |

One of the greatest turnarounds in a recent TV show was when Captain America Winter Soldier hit and suddenly Agents of SHIELD was able to be the show it was always struggling to be. It had a hard time there at first, being part of the connected Marvel Cinematic Universe, but not being able to really embrace that connectivity. Once the big shit with Hydra went down, though, this scrappy show really came into its own.

Except maybe no one told the people over at the big fancy movie studios, cause they’re still mean girling their TV friend, treating the show like it doesn’t exist.

During a recent panel at Wizard World Des Moines Comic Con, Chloe Bennet (Skye/Daisy) brainstorms some potential crossovers between the TV and movie branches of the MCU. First up, maybe her character should have to make out with Thor for some (literally ANY) reason. She’d be very much into that. But there are more ideas.

But I am kind of, like, ready for Steve Rogers to make an appearance on our show. I’d be ok with that. And like, where’s Romanoff? Where’s the Avengers? Or maybe Robert Downy Jr. as Robert Downy Jr. That would be kinda nice.

So why are the movies and TV and Netflix worlds so separated? Or, more accurately, such a divisive one-way street?

I don’t know. People who make movies for Marvel, why don’t you acknowledge what happens on our show? Why don’t you guys go ask them that? Cause they don’t seem to care!

Bennet wants the MCU to know that NOBODY PUTS BABY IN A CORNER, except that in reality they can and did and are continuing to for probably as long as they feel like it.

I would love that. The Marvel Cinematic Universe loves to pretend that everything is connected, but then they don’t acknowledge our show at all. So, I would love to do that, but they don’t seem too keen on that idea.

With Agents of SHIELD’s new move to the 10pm time slot, Bennet’s impression of how Marvel Studios views their little show looks to be pretty accurate.