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Busted: The Myth Of Elon Musk

By Petr Navovy | Miscellaneous | October 2, 2023 |

By Petr Navovy | Miscellaneous | October 2, 2023 |


The thing about billionaires is that they should all be thrown into the sea. Surely, it’s not asking much! Purely by virtue of their function within the ecosystem and structure of things, billionaires are a blight; simultaneously both a symptom and a cause of the maniacal, world-destroying paradigm we find ourselves trapped in.

Similar to members of a royal family, a particular billionaire’s traits as an individual are an irrelevance—they might be kind and considerate to friends, or rude and dismissive—it’s only their identity as a member of that class that matters. Still, though, you can’t deny that some billionaires are just so much more annoying than others.

Ten or fifteen years ago, I might have had some patience with people who praised Elon Musk and genuinely believed him to be an innovative businessman. I’d have strongly disagreed, but I might be able to understand how someone could think that, considering how relentless and overwhelming the PR blitz designed to portray him as such has been. Now? No patience. It’s remarkable just how much of what Musk says is self-evidently stupid. It’s a damning indictment of just how strong our capitalist myths and obsessions with hyper-individualism and lone ‘geniuses’ are that this man hasn’t been laughed out of every industry and spotlight. I know I’m preaching to the choir here, but these are points repeating. Which is why I’m grateful for this video from YouTuber Thunderf00t, who has put together a neat snapshot of just how much hot air this grifter is full of:

But, hey, there’s at least one area in which he’s truly unbeatable. Embarrassing posting.
