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#BundyEroticFanFic Is the One Truly Great Thing to Come Out of The Oregon Militia Shit Show

By Vivian Kane | Miscellaneous | January 7, 2016 |

By Vivian Kane | Miscellaneous | January 7, 2016 |

When a group of a couple dozen white, angry, Let’s-Make-America-Great-Again militia men storm an Oregon wildlife refuge, there’s really only one ideal outcome. Oh, okay, maybe actual legal recourse would be a great outcome, but this is a pretty close runner-up.

This past Tuesday evening, Colin Meloy, frontman of The Decemberists, posited a perfectly reasonable hypothetical to Twitter:

And then, thank the heavens, he went a step further to start the erotic ball rolling. Because of bunch of dudes trapped in a northwestern government building together, with strong beliefs and stronger actions, are for sure going to start some sparks flying.

Meloy’s and the other immediate bandwagoners’ tweets introduced a range of erotic players.

But the true fan favorite romantic lead was clearly “Ammon,” as in the group’s leader Ammon Bundy (pictured left).

Actually, there was one other truly spectacular thing to come out of this scenario. No one is on the side of these men. I think honestly literally no one. And 40 million completely badass bird watchers just basically declared war on the occupiers. I don’t know if anyone has ever considered birders to be totally deadly adversaries, but apparently we should all be (and have always been) terrified. Absolutely terrified. Of bird watchers.