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Break Out Your Tiniest Violins For This Poor Sexist 'Wonder Woman' Artist

By Vivian Kane | Miscellaneous | July 14, 2016 |

By Vivian Kane | Miscellaneous | July 14, 2016 |

Earlier this year, comic book artist Frank Cho was hired to draw 24 variant covers for the new Wonder Woman series. But— and I’m sorry to disappoint you fans of butts and boobs— he’s quit after only drawing six. According to Cho, he’s been the victim of a “weird political agenda” and censorship.

As a primer, so you know why you don’t have to feel sorry for him at all, Cho is famous for his variant covers and parody sketches, usually centered around all the problems those superhero ladies have getting and keeping their clothes on. (All those links are at least mildly NSFW.)

And then there was that time he told all us angry SJW feminists to go screw by recreating that terrible Milo Manara Spider-Woman cover with a teenaged character.


So please forgive me if I don’t feel all that terrible for Cho, reading this statement he gave to Bleeding Cool.

All the problem lies with Greg Rucka.

EVERYONE loves my Wonder Woman covers and wants me to stay. Greg Rucka is the ONLY one who has any problem with covers. Greg Rucka has been trying to alter and censor my artwork since day one.

Quick aside: everyone else is reading this in a Trump voice, too, right?

Greg Rucka thought my Wonder Woman #3 cover was vulgar and showed too much skin, and has been spearheading censorship, which is baffling since my Wonder Woman image is on model and shows the same amount of skin as the interior art, and it’s a VARIANT COVER and he should have no editorial control over it. (But he does. WTF?!!!)

I tried to play nice, not rock the boat and do my best on the covers, but Greg’s weird political agenda against me and my art has made that job impossible. Wonder Woman was the ONLY reason I came over to DC Comics.

To DC’s credit, especially [Art Director] Mark Chiarello, they have been very accommodating. But they are caught between a rock and a hard place.

I just wanted to be left alone and do my Wonder Woman variant covers in peace. But Greg Rucka is in a hostile power trip and causing unnecessary friction over variant covers.

Why the hell was Frank Cho hired to draw Wonder Woman anyway? No one’s trying to rob the world of his skeevy little sketches, but his style of art is alienating to a lot of women. So a mainstream book ABOUT a female character may not be the best place for him. Especially since he’s made his disdain for women and their thoughts and opinions known time and again.


For reference, here’s that Wonder Woman #3 cover.


And here’s Cho’s original sketch. Thanks, DC, for at least cropping out her underwear line there on the side.


Via The Mary Sue.